CLIL: past, present, pedagogy and theory

Thématique 1 : Enseignement d’une Matière par l’Intégration d’une Langue Étrangère (EMILE)
Date : 28/04/2021
Zoom : Zoom 1


This presentation describes a framework that we developed through a series of studies on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) that we conducted from 2011 to the present in the French Polynesian elementary school context. We have tested and developed this framework through experimentation using iterative microgenetic interaction analysis techniques. We have called this framework “socially mediated activity” (SMA) framework. This framework is based on a set of principles conveyed through sociocultural theories of learning, the socio-interactionist perspective and competency-based additional language (AL) pedagogies (e.g., CLIL, task-based language instruction, action-oriented approach). This framework is based on the observations that (i) language is a tool for learning and that language skills cannot be fully developed without active participation and reflection, (ii) learning occurs in the learners’ ZPD where help is given during collaborative activity, (iii) learning is observable during a joint activity in which mediational tools and joint actions are used to perform the activity, and (iv) the creation of a naturalistic learning environment would not be possible without the use of social artefacts and other non-verbal elements that enhances both cognitive and communicative aspects of task outcomes. This framework is suitable for combining content and AL teaching both in mainstream additional language learning and CLIL settings. We tested our model merely with young learners (aged 9-10) and the application of this framework with young learners presented satisfactory results. However, we are confident that this framework can also be operational with CLIL for middle and high school students (e.g., teaching science experiments, geography, arts).
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